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Notandaspjall:לערי ריינהארט

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The phonetic transcription of « לערי ריינהארט » is /lɛʁi ʁɑjnhɑʁt/ (leri raynhart).
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Welcome לערי ריינהארט to Wikiorðabók!

27. ágúst 2015 kl. 00:44 (UTC)
·לערי ריינהארט·T·m: Th·T·email me· 12. september 2015 kl. 20:24 (UTC)Reply

Halló Gangleri!


Velkominn á Wiktionary á íslensku!
Kær kveðja, --birdy (:> )=| 25. sep. 2005 kl. 09:13 (UTC)
Hjálp - Sandkassinn

Halló Gangleri! Thanks, that is very kind of you, if you need anything just say so. Best regards, --birdy (:> )=| 7. nóv. 2005 kl. 23:15 (UTC)

Thanks :)
To be honest, I don't know much about bots. I use the pywikipedia bot and only the standard things (without modifying the source code) because I am not familiar with python. I would say it could be possible with replace.py which you may modify and use regular expressions. But the template:trad does nothing else than write this code [[islendish]] [[:yi:islendish|(yi)]] (I saw this template on the fr.wiktionary :) Hope I could help, kær kveðja --birdy (:> )=| 8. nóv. 2005 kl. 12:56 (UTC)
Hi, (I include myself in the conversation ;-) ), I have developed a bot for fr: that replaces [[word]] with {{trad|en|word}} if "word" exists on the wiktionary en:, and that replaces {trad|en|word} with [word] if it does not exist. The bot is almost ready, I just have a problem now with capitalized wiktionaries (io: for example), but this should be fixed soon.

If you are interested, you can reach me on the en: irc chat, or on my talk page in fr: here.-- Kipmaster 22. nóv. 2005 kl. 15:22 (UTC)

Snið:þýðing -translation template -


Sæll Gangleri! I tried to reach you on irc but you seem to be away, so I write you here: I have played a bit with the translation template to help you with your question. If i got it right you also wanted the gender included. I did this: Snið:tradtest, if you use it and put for example {{tradtest|de|Haus|n}} in it you get this: Snið:tradtest. The code I used for tradtest is: [[{{{2}}}]] [[:{{{1}}}:{{{2}}}|({{{1}}})]] {{{{{3}}}}} I hope that this is helpful for you, kær kvæðja --birdy (:> )=| 8. nóv. 2005 kl. 21:16 (UTC)

Snið:style/IPA, Snið:style/yid


Hæ Gangleri, habe diese beiden geaendert, da man sonst dort nie anderen Text einfuegen haette können und immer "Jiddisch lebt" angezeigt bekommen haette. Ich hoffe Du bist einverstanden, lG. --geimfyglið (:> )=| 15. október 2007 kl. 17:02 (UTC)Reply



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wikt:en:good luck logos · OmegaWiki · Omniglot 22. október 2007 kl. 09:31 (UTC)Reply

my signature

[[{{SUBST:ns:user}}:Gangleri|Gangleri]] · [[{{SUBST:ns:user_talk}}:Gangleri|T]] · [[m:user:Gangleri|m:]] [{{SUBST:localurl:m:user talk:Gangleri|action=history}} Th] · [[m:user talk:Gangleri|T]] · [[m:special:Emailuser/Gangleri|email me]] · 
<br />

Gangleri · T · m: Th · T · email me ·
Gangleri · T · m: Th · T · email me · 26. október 2007 kl. 00:13 (UTC)Reply

re:Notandi:לערי ריינהארט


sholem לערי ריינהארט

Ist erledigt  :) LG. --geimfyglið (:> )=| 2. desember 2007 kl. 10:50 (UTC)Reply

Your admin status


Hello. I'm a steward. A new policy regarding the removal of "advanced rights" (administrator, bureaucrat, etc.) was adopted by community consensus recently. According to this policy, the stewards are reviewing administrators' activity on wikis with no inactivity policy.   You meet the inactivity criteria (no edits and no log actions for 2 years) on iswiktionary, where you are an administrator. Since that wiki does not have its own administrators' rights review process, the global one applies.   If you want to keep your rights, you should inform the community of the wiki about the fact that the stewards have sent you this information about your inactivity. If the community has a discussion about it and then wants you to keep your rights, please contact the stewards at m:Stewards' noticeboard, and link to the discussion of the local community, where they express their wish to continue to maintain the rights, and demonstrate a continued requirement to maintain these rights.   We stewards will evaluate the responses. If there is no response at all after approximately one month, we will proceed to remove your administrative rights. In cases of doubt, we will evaluate the responses and will refer a decision back to the local community for their comment and review. If you have any questions, please contact us on m:Stewards' noticeboard.   Best regards, Rschen7754 25. október 2014 kl. 03:50 (UTC)Reply

Notandanafni þínu verður breytt


18. mars 2015 kl. 02:19 (UTC)