Flokkur:Lýsingar með enskum framburði
Síður í flokknum „Lýsingar með enskum framburði“
Þessi flokkur inniheldur 200 síður, af alls 674.
(fyrri síða) (næsta síða)B
- abbreviation
- abdication
- aberration
- abjuration
- ablation
- abolition
- abominable
- abomination
- abortion
- abroad
- abrogation
- absolution
- absorption
- academic advisor
- academic discipline
- academic paper
- academic work
- accelerate
- acceleration
- according to
- act of grace
- advertising industry
- adviser of studies
- aerial battle
- aerial perspective
- affiliation
- afterburner
- agricultural science
- air raid
- aircraft construction
- aluminium foil
- aluminium oxide
- aluminium plant
- aluminium wrap
- aluminum smelting
- amnesty
- analog
- animal species
- ape
- apiarist
- apiculturist
- apparel industry
- arch bridge
- archaeologist
- arched bridge
- archeologist
- aromatic herb
- aromatic plant
- aromatic soap
- aromatic substance
- art lover
- art nouveau
- artist
- assembly plant
- assistance
- attack dog
- auburn
- audio technician
- background
- bacteriologist
- balsam
- banana
- banana skin
- banking industry
- bar owner
- barbecue
- bashful
- basic industry
- basil
- bed room
- bed-room
- bedcap
- bedfellow
- bedmate
- bedraggled
- bedrock
- bedroom
- bedside
- bedtime
- beekeeper
- biologist
- bird lover
- bird's eye perspective
- black
- blacklisted credit card
- blister plaster
- blog
- bog birch
- booked out
- boric acid
- bricklayer
- bridge
- bridge loan
- browser
- brush
- brush fire
- brushwood
- burned out
- burnt out
- business studies
- calfskin
- can opener
- cannabis plant
- capacitor
- capital yield
- capital yield tax
- car wash brush
- carbon monoxide
- carver
- cash
- cash before delivery
- cash journal
- cash on delivery
- cat door
- cat flap
- cat food
- cat lover
- catalog
- catch performance
- cath bath
- catmint
- catnip
- champagne flute
- cheeseburger
- chemical plant
- chequer tree
- chestnut
- child of nature
- children's book
- children's choir
- children's entertainment
- children's film
- children's language
- children's party
- children's portion
- children's song
- children's ward
- choker
- classical music
- clef
- clinic
- clog
- co-owner
- co-pilot
- coaster
- coatflower
- cobbler
- code key
- codger
- collect on delivery
- coltsfoot
- column
- comedian
- comedy
- commuter
- compiler
- composting
- composting plant
- computer
- construction
- construction company
- construction industry
- construction material
- construction projects
- construction work
- contract killer
- convalescent clinic
- convent
- cookie
- correspondence
- costume design
- cottage industry
- course credit
- course of studies
- cousin
- cover design
- credit application
- credit balance
- credit card fraud
- credit institution
- credit market
- credit rating
- credit rating agency
- credit terms
- crop
- crop failure
- crop plant