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Latest comment: fyrir 5 árum by Spacebirdy

Hello! Can anyone tell me if the right word is Ratljós or Ratljóst, please? Or if I can you both. Thanks! --

Hæ! Neither and both. It depends if you mean the noun or adjective and also it seems the word is quite rare. The noun ratljós which would somewhat translate to 'orientation-light' would follow the declension table like ljós - the noun "light" and if you would use it as adjective which would translate to 'bright enough to see/to orient' the word would be inflected like ljós - the adjective, full table.
So as noun it can never be ratlóst as adjective it can be both depending on the inflection...
see also: adjectives, adjectives, nouns
Greetings --geimfyglið (:> )=| 17. febrúar 2019 kl. 09:50 (UTC)Reply

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