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Takk fyrir að skrá þig á frjálsa orðabókina. Við erum afar þakklát fyrir framlag þitt til þessa samvinnuverkefnis. Meginreglurnar eru einungis þrjár og þær eru afar einfaldar: á Wikiorðabókinni eru engar frumrannsóknir, allt er skrifað frá hlutlausu sjónarmiði og það þarf að vera hægt að staðfesta upplýsingar í öðrum heimildum.

  • Í Pottinum geturðu tekið þátt í umræðum og spurt almennra spurninga og
  • Einnig er hjálpin ómissandi ef þú vilt fræðast nánar um Wikiorðabókina.

Ég vona að þú njótir þín vel hér á íslensku Wikiorðabókinni. Hikaðu ekki við að hafa samband við mig á spjallsíðu minni ef þú hefur einhverjar spurningar. Gangi þér vel!

--geimfyglið (:> )=| 20. desember 2008 kl. 17:53 (UTC)Reply

I'm sorry, I don't understand the 80% of words. I do all my efforts for understand Icelandic but it's very hard. Can you translate me this and explain how to use the template "Babel" for search someone who speak the same languages as me? Thank you so so so much^^ - Pharamp

It is just a welcoming message, which welcomes You at the Icelandic Wiktionary, thanks You for creating an account, hopes to work well with You, and that it's easy to contribute, to keep in mind it is a dictionary but should not be the first source (we have some references we can use), a neutral point of view should be standard.
The village pump is for questions and talk.
the helpages
In the end it says, that I hope You enjoy Your stay here in the Icelandic Wiktionary and that You can contact me if You have any questions.
@Babel templates: I have not yet created any, because I don't think they are much useful on such a small project but only drag behind lot of work and I prefer to contribute in the main namespace and grow the dictionary.
I speak German, Spanish, English, Icelandic, some French and very few Russian (I am learning a bit right now).
Hope that helps, best regards, --geimfyglið (:> )=| 20. desember 2008 kl. 18:27 (UTC)Reply

You speak really a lot of languages^^ Thank you very much for all! - Pharamp



Hello Pharamp, we would like to have mw:Extension:Flagged Revisions enabled on is.wikt, here is the proposal: Wikiorðabók:Potturinn#Nau.C3.B0synleg_vi.C3.B0b.C3.B3t, You can (You don't have to) comment with "agree/support" = "samþykkt" or "contra" = "á móti", it will not affect Your contributions here or cause You any more work, thanks for Your attention, --geimfyglið (:> )=| 13. janúar 2009 kl. 01:26 (UTC)Reply

re:Icelandic conjugation 01 vb -aði on en:Wiktionary


Hello Pharamp, I have answered there, best regards, --geimfyglið (:> )=| 25. maí 2009 kl. 18:28 (UTC)Reply

Thank you sosososososososo much! Pharamp (spjall) 25. maí 2009 kl. 18:35 (UTC)Reply
That is a lolololololololot :)))) Kind regards, --geimfyglið (:> )=| 25. maí 2009 kl. 18:37 (UTC)Reply