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Latest comment: fyrir 8 árum by Ruslik0 in topic scripts

hi /scripts

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--geimfyglið (:> )=| 16. júní 2016 kl. 06:44 (UTC)Reply



Hello, thanks for your fixes in the scripts. Unfortunately something broke. We had a script here, that would add a link to the top of the entry if there was an entry in upper or lower case like garpur, Garpur... would be great if you could fix this problem, ty, --geimfyglið (:> )=| 16. júní 2016 kl. 06:44 (UTC)Reply

What script are talking about? doReditect? Ruslik0 (spjall) 16. júní 2016 kl. 09:32 (UTC)Reply
Maybe, not sure, I don't remember how we did that, just noticed it does not work anymore and thought it might have something to do with the fixes.. --geimfyglið (:> )=| 16. júní 2016 kl. 10:48 (UTC)Reply
@Spacebirdy: I guess you mean the automatically generated "sjá einnig" headline. It didn't work any longer since the last major update of the Mediawiki software in 2014. I noticed this strange behaviour but couldn't identify the reason why. A simple fix would be the insertion of a {{sjá einnig|[[garpur]]}}, for example. Whatever "script?" was to automatically create this headline might be faulty or is using some no longer supported features. --YaganZ (spjall) 20. júní 2016 kl. 18:59 (UTC)Reply
I identified the script: it's function showSeeAlso() using mw.util.addCSS('#showSeeAlso .... I tried a more recent version from de.wiktionary, but it behaves in the same way. --YaganZ (spjall) 20. júní 2016 kl. 20:08 (UTC)Reply
For this script to work there should exist an element with "#showSeeAlso" ID. I do not know where it should come from. Ruslik0 (spjall) 20. júní 2016 kl. 20:10 (UTC)Reply
That's the question. "#showSeeAlso" is a CSS id selector, but I didn't find any definition (MediaWiki intrinsic?). My Javascript knowledge is only basic, but as I understand the script showSeeAlso(), the element "#showSeeAlso" is a fallback option if there's no element with id "snid_sja_einnig". The template "Snið:sjá einnig" has a "<div id="snid_sja_einnig">" section, but I'm not sure whether that's sufficient. At least at de.wiktionary (de:Mediawiki:common.js, de:Vorlage:Siehe auch) they've got it in working condition. Maybe I'm missing something, but I don't see any significant difference. As you can observe at garpur, the HTML code is generated but not rendered by the browser, for whatever reason. --YaganZ (spjall) 21. júní 2016 kl. 08:38 (UTC)Reply
The code on dewikt is different from one that is here. Ruslik0 (spjall) 22. júní 2016 kl. 15:01 (UTC)Reply